
Conference – Application of the Expressive Sandwork methodology to vulnerable communities in Colombia

Date & time: Monday, August 26th 2013, 18:30 -19:30

Place: Beaumont Hospital Auditorium -CHUV, CH-1011, Lausanne (plan)

The Expressive sandwork is a non-verbal and group-based psychosocial method. This technique is intended to assist vulnerable communities that have no access to individualized therapy. This practice is based on the Analytical psychology (founded by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung), mainly on the concepts of collective unconscious, archetypal dynamics and the link of the psyche with symbols. This approach has been applied in South Africa (Cape Town), China, Romania (Bucharest), Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Colombia (Bogota, Medellin and recently Barranquilla). We are pleased to present the group that has implemented this methodology in Colombia; they will share the results that have been achieved over the past 10 years, particularly regarding the street children from Bogota’s deprived “Bronx district.”



Mónica Pinilla, Inés de la Ossa, Eduardo Carvallo


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Poster-Expressive Sandwork